School Bus – The Safest Way to Get to Class

School Bus – The Safest Way to Get to Class



Every responsible parent that sends their child out of the comfort and security of their home is concerned about their safety. Most parents will do their very best to ensure that their kids reach their schools on time and safely on a daily basis, but few of them consider school buses as a good option for their children. That is something that needs to be changed.


According to Federal research, school buses are the safest ways for children to travel. They’re more at risk driving to school themselves or being driven by you than they are when they travel by school buses. That why we at Be Driven always urge parents to use a school bus to get their children to school. Here are some reasons why.


Well Trained Drivers


School bus drivers have to go through intense training before they’re allowed to even go near the school bus. The best school bus company in Boston will have drivers that have a Commercial Driver’s License. They’ll also have specific passenger and school bus endorsements.


Along with that, school bus drivers often have training in first aid, emergency evacuation procedures, security, as well as student behavior management. The drivers will also go through periodic drug-alcohol testing as well as background checks. All of these factors come together to offer the highest level of safety possible.


The Bus


The buses that carry kids to school aren’t just any ordinary buses. These buses are uniquely designed for the people they carry. They come with the following characteristics:


  • Flashing red lights
  • Reinforced sides
  • Stop sign arms that pop out when necessary
  • Cross-view mirrors
  • Crush standards applied in accordance to size and height
  • Bright, highly visible color


These aspects ensure that the bus is very safe for travel. The best school bus company in Boston will have buses with high standards of joint strength, fuel system integrity, emergency exits, rollover protection, secure passenger seating, and pedestrian safety devices, etc.


As you can see, school buses are one of the safest modes of travel for your children. To know more about the best school bus company in Boston, you can contact us at Be Driven. Just fill in this contact us form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you require an immediate response, give us a call at 1 800 233 7483. We’ll be happy to hear from you and answer any questions you might have.